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What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?

CBT is a short term and time limited psychological therapy. It is a structured , interactive and goal based therapy exploring and identifying how are thoughts, feelings, physiology and behaviours are related and how unhelpful patterns and habits can be formed.


CBT focuses on challenging difficulties and problematic patterns through exploring and reframing thinking and working on behaviour changes and noticing physiological responses in order to shift and alter how we respond emotionally to enable changes to happen. It enables developing new perspectives.


During CBT sessions the therapist and client work together to identify and understand the unhelpful thinking styles and behaviours and develop a treatment plan with goals to bring about desired changes

How CBT works

The client and therapist work together to make sense of the problems and difficulties and develop a formulation and goals to help focus a treatment plan.

During sessions the client and therapist work together on changes and these are then practised and continued in between sessions by the client , this is often called homework. This enables the client to build up tools and resources that can used in the long term after therapy sessions have finished .

The client develops skills in understanding thinking patterns and behaviours and using thought records and carrying out experiments to test out beliefs which allow positive changes to happen and the client works towards an improved quality of life.

How long is the duration of therapy?

Each session is 50 minutes.

The number of sessions required vary but average is 6 to 15 sessions.

The important part is that the therapist and client work together at a comfortable pace in a collaborative way.

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